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Friday, May 25, 2018

Things I did when I'm not here, RAMCI random ramblings

I was going to write Shit I did when I'm not here.. but after a few Astaghfirullah, I crossed the S word *tangan nasyid*.

Thing number 1:
Anyway..... how is puasa everyone?  Semoga Ramadhan kali ini menjadi Ramadhan yang lebih baik dari yang sebelum.  Amin...

Thing number 2:
By the way, we just had our General Election kan.  So how was it people?  Bad? Good? Surprised?

To tell the truth, I prefer to keep my thoughts to my self, keep my silence or may be become a zombie and do the blank-stare since keeping up with the politics news just feel weird because it feels like too much information going round nowadays that I felt a little dizzy because one moment the news is too shocking and I'm like WOW only to know the next thing it is a fake news and I have to tone down or probably remove my WOWness.  And then another news came and I'm like have to bring out the WOW again.  You know what I mean.  Tired *flip hair*.

Thing number 3:
Anyway, *big grin* another thing that just happen is that I am soooo in LOVE with Longchamp Le Cuir.  I mean look at this:

How can you NOT fall for those silky leather, cute design that matches with practically ALL your outfit, the colour *drooling*.  Even when you berkemban pun it still looks good on you.  Cute ain't it?

By the way, I have not bought it.  Still stage berangan.

When I get to the stage where the actual bag is in my hand, I'll do a more detail write ups ok? After I sleep with it for a few nights.

Thing number 4:
I can now check my credit score ONLINE!  Let me try hard to explain how I do it.

Here is the page that you should go to:
But you have to register your phone number at BNM first though.  Just to get the PIN number which will expire in 7 days I think.  Need to double check that.

Then go the website, and using that PIN number, you can just register at the website (follow the simple steps - if I can do it, you can do it better).  And soon after you register successfully, you get an email just like below

By the way, the information about your hutang is prepared by RAMCI.  Google 'RAMCI' if you want.  I heard that you can check your CCRIS here too:  But I have not tried it myself.  So no comment ya!

Once you have registered, you'll get free report via the email as below!  Pretty basic. But should be ok I guess.  Not much info for me.  You'll get this twice a year:

You can also purchase your PCRB.  There are 2 types, BASIC and PLUS.  I've purchased a PLUS report before for RM15 and the report is quite detail - with your scoring, your CCRIS report (the 12 months loan repayment performance) and with suggestion on how to increase your score.  In case you don't have a clue on how to do it *wink*.

So sample macam kat bawah ni...siap ada tip hokey:

CCRIS report.  This is the one that I normally monitor.

Also other information which can be useful at times.

And then, when they feel like it, they'll do a promo!

So, ada rasa nak try?  It's good if you monitor your credit score once in a while just to make sure you maintain a healthy financial status.  Tak gitu?

Ok lah, dah banyak tulis ni.  Kalau membawang tak de lak penat macam ni. Ho ho ho.

Take care you guys.


Monday, January 01, 2018

Move along 2017. Hello 2018

So it's 1st Jan 2018.  Masa memang dah terbang.

So, what did I do for the last 365 days?

1. Family

Alhamdulillah three of us semua sihat.  Parents also sihat.  Tak de sapa-sapa masuk spital this year- syukur!.  Except for my sister getting a daughter!.  

My kidney still satu haha.. wonder how would it be if it grows back.  The kidney that is, not the other thing.  Macam cicak la ek?.  I still have not visit the doctor for my check up.  Can I use the 'busy-at-the-office' ticket?

We went to few places for short vacay.  All local.  Kota Kinabalu/ Kundasang was a blast.  Legoland was great too.

Next year target?  Should I have another baby?.  As crazy as it may sound (because of the age thing), I still want to have second child.  I need to work on my proposal to En Suami - last few proposals were either totally rejected, or  'Ok' with no feeling, or 'Sabar...' with no feeling too.

If the above does not go well, we should start to travel overseas.  Let see if this proposal got slammed down too.. Not!

Dear En. Suami.... Love you!. *ngeee*.

2. Kerja

Same old same old.  The system went live on May, so the whole team are now back in Bangi.  It's great that we got new workplace in 6th floor now.  Well, I don't know if I can call it great, because I do get more pissed off feel-like-killing-someone annoyed now compared to when we were at 1st floor, with reasons that I don't want to speculate about, but I have to take it for now.  I still have a feeling of 'moving on' to other place though.  At times when things got really 'unfavorable' and the urge to resign is super strong, I busied my self with Jobstreet or Monster or Jawatan Kosong - it calms me, until the next episode.

Come to think of it, I was more happy when I was stationed in KL.  I think I know why, but I would like to keep it to myself for now.

Mind you next year is my 10th year at this place.  How on earth does that happen?

Next year target? - Less complain, work like normal, look for another job opportunity hopefully some GLC company so I can work peacefully till I'm retired (if only such thing exist).
Owh, another target would be to ignore the mood-killer.. or shall I say mood-killers?

3. Hobby

Grown a few beautiful veges through the year.  Carrots is my favourite!.  Read a few tips here and there, and I got myself 4 beautiful carrots!.  But things got slow nowadays.  I don't have the excitement to start new for now.  I guess a hobby does have its own ups and downs too.

Fully grown - palm sized carrot.  So proud *wipe tears*.

Cherry tomatoes - taste sweet *flip hair*

Kasturi - pokok ni pernah pengsan sekejap, put some booster (baja and ajinomoto) then voila!

4. Achievements.  

I really don't have anything to call as 'achievement' for 2017.  Still the same clothe size (to lose weight was not in my list for 2017 haha but even if it does I still won't achieve it), living in the same house, same car, same work place.  Why didn't I start my self with something new?  Any idea anyone?  I did think of starting a new side-income.  But couldn't get myself to think of what to do.  I would love to have another flat/apartment but somehow things don't move that way.

Anyhow, I am grateful and blessed with all I have around me.  Thank you Allah.

Next year target? - Lose weight, Travel more or have a baby.  Or both :D.

5. Azam tahun baru

Tak de.  Cuma ada a few targets.  Tak nak berazam azam bagai.  Not achieving ones target is not the end of the world.  To me, if you don't get what you want this year, you continue on to get it next time.  But I do wish to be more calm and taking one day at a time.  I'm not getting any younger though I'm not old yet.  So one calm day at a time would be great!.

Happy 2018 everyone!

P.s:  It took me two days to write this one.  God I must be really suck at this now.
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