
Monday, January 07, 2013

2 Letter Offers - Yang mana nak pilih??

CIMB kata LO dah approve @ BLR-1.70. 
Public Bank kata LO dah ready untuk di’sign’ dengan offer BLR-1.60. 
Maybank kata…mm Maybank tak kata apa-apa…sonyap jo… hampeh.

Tapi satu pun belum saya pilih dan sign.  Sejak husband hospitalized hari tu investment yang satu ni has been on hold physically and mentally.

Now that everything is settling, I need to catch up.  Yang mana satu nanti pilihan hati?  CIMB ke Public? Kalau ikutkan nasihat-nasihat dari pakar kita takkan di’block listed’ kalau tolak LO dari bank yang offered the least preferred.  Cuma kita orang Asia ni ada adab-adabnya maka tolak la as gentle as possible.  Mana tahu kita akan perlukan mereka lagi.  Anyway they have done something for us however small.

Tapi the BIG question is which one?

Public Bank:
Interest : BLR – 1.60%
Loan covers : 90%
MRTA included.
Legal fees and documentations NOT included.
Monthly installment : RM 395

CIMB Bank:
Interest : BLR – 1.70%
Loan covers : 90%
MRTA NOT included.
Legal fees and documentations included.
Monthly installment : RM 400.

Beza dua ni cuma RM5.

Ada sapa-sapa yang baca boleh bagi pendapat which one is the best option? 

Note to self: Tempted for CIMB.

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